In case you haven’t mentioned it, I’d like to tell you that I read books in English too, although really I only reviewed some when I started my blog, I stopped doing it because on many occasions these books still haven’t been translated into Spanish. However, I have found some very good ones that I have been able to read thanks to Amazon’s Kindle (some free in unlimited, others with a low cost) and I am left with the desire to share them because I do not think they are so interesting.
But, since I have realized that this is my blog, and I decided that one or another post like this would not hurt my followers too much (I hope), I decided to do mini-reviews for this type of books, something very brief and without so many formalities, just so that in case they read, like me, books in this language, they can take advantage of them.
To start this new modality, I will tell you a little about this book: My Oxford Year by Julia Whelan.